Choose Your Cabinet Wood.
What kind of tree would you like your Kent Moore Cabinets to be made from?
Wood products are known for their natural beauty, and each type has unique physical properties, with variation in grain pattern, texture and color. Kent Moore Cabinets uses hardwoods for built to last cabinetry.
Maple is recognized as one of the best hardwoods found in North America, with a light color, fine texture, straight grain, and a subdued attractive grain figure. Maple has natural strength and stability, combined with good availability. The sapwood is creamy white with a slight reddish brown tinge and the heartwood varies from light to dark reddish brown. The amount of darker brown heartwood can vary significantly according to growing region and will darken with age upon exposure to natural light.
Both sapwood and heartwood can contain pith fleck and vine trails. The wood has a close fine, uniform texture and is generally straight-grained, but it can also occur as “curly,” “fiddle-back,” “tiger-stripe,” and “birds-eye” patterns.
Red Oak is a commercial name used for several species of Oak, with a wide range of color, texture, and density characteristics, including Northern, Southern, Scarlet, and Black. Available in large volume, Red Oak is a heavy, dense, open grain wood.
The sapwood of red oak is white to light brown and the heartwood is pinkish & reddish brown. Red oak is similar in general appearance to white oak, but with a slightly less pronounced figure due to the smaller rays. The wood is mostly straight-grained, with a coarse texture.
Hickory has a combination of strength, hardness, stiffness and shock resistance not found in any other wood. The sapwood of hickory is white, tinged with inconspicuous fine brown lines while the heartwood is pale to reddish brown. Both are coarse-textured and the grain is fine, usually straight but can be wavy or irregular.
Cherry is known as a superior cabinet wood, with excellent moisture resistance and finish holding, and minimal shrinkage and swelling. The heartwood of cherry varies from rich red to reddish brown and will darken with age and upon exposure to light. In contrast, the sapwood is creamy white. The wood has a fine uniform, straight grain, satiny, smooth texture, and may naturally contain brown pith flecks and small gum pockets.
Western alder is a fine-grained hardwood similar to cherry, birch and maple. This medium density wood dries rapidly and has relatively low shrinkage and machines well. Alder is moderately light in weight and intermediate in most strength properties with no visible boundary between heartwood and sapwood. Alder takes any color or stain easily and also looks good in its natural state with its attractive honey color. The wood has no problems with sap, mineral streaks, dark colors or staining.
The sapwood is creamy white and may be streaked, with the heartwood varying from pale yellowish brown to olive green. The green color in the heartwood will tend to darken on exposure to light and turn brown. The wood has a medium to fine texture and is straight-grained; has a comparatively uniform texture.
Black Walnut
It would be hard to overstate Black Walnut’s popularity among woodworkers in the United States. Its cooperative working characteristics, coupled with its rich brown coloration puts the wood in a class by itself among temperate-zone hardwoods. To cap it off, the wood also has good dimensional stability, shock resistance, and strength properties.
Beech is an important and widely-used hardwood in Europe. Its hardness, wear-resistance, strength, and excellent bending capabilities—coupled with its low price—make this hardwood a mainstay for many European woodworkers. Depending on soil conditions, European Beech can grow to very large sizes, and wide, long lumber is commonly available for use.
Rift Sawn
White Oak
White Oak is strong, beautiful, rot-resistant, easy-to-work, and economical, representing an exceptional value to woodworkers. It’s no wonder that the wood is so widely used in cabinet and furniture making